
Friday, November 11, 2011

Movie Review: Attack of the Killer Tomatoes

For you youngsters you might not remember there was a cartoon called Attack of the killer tomatoes, which came from this movie. I never saw it and boy I kind of wish I never had. I was surprised by the approach of this movie. From what I remember about the cartoon, it was much better.

Synopsis: Tomatoes have started to attack and kill people.

Review: Yep, that's all you need to know about the movie. Well that and it's a comedy, similar to a Mel Brooks movie or some of the other slapstick comedies from the 1970s. Most of it makes no sense and the tomatoes aren't scary. No faces or anything, just tomatoes.

I know they wanted to make fun of the b-horror movies like The Birds and The Blob, but it just seemed like a stupid movie that some kids made to be funny. I know there's a sequel and I am not sure it's even worth watching.  So this movie is a completely crap. Find the cartoon and watch that instead.  Anyone want to remake this movie?


  1. Are you aware there is not one, but THREE sequels to this movie that have been made, as well as a remake in the works?

    God helps us.....

  2. I did not know there were that many sequels nor a remake in the works. I only knew about Killer Clowns from Outer Space. God help us is right....
