I have been thinking about this for some time now. I have been slowly watching Doomsday Preppers and one of the... preppers got me thinking. She was a woman just about my age who was dressed like most of us do when we are working out and I realized that most women in doomsday/zombie films and tv shows are dressed for eye candy, but is any of that realistic or smart? I say no.

Here's one example of what we see in zombie movies. This is Ali Larter as Clare in Resident Evil: Afterlife. Now yes, she looks bad ass and we all want to look this good while killing zombies or wastelanders, but it is not smart. It's not practical and it sends a warning flag to those who are looking to hurt, kill and rape that you are no prepared... unless you want to trip them into thinking that.

Here's another example from Wrong Turn. Yes, again she looks bad ass, but how the hell is she going to hide from these... what the hell were those things anyway? Deformed rednecks? Anyway there is no hiding in a white shirt that is cut up.
I could go on, but I will stop and get to my point. To dress for the end of the world and the chaos that is sure to follow we as woman should take the smart approach and not that I'm going look hot kicking ass approach. While yes, while working hard you're going to sweat, but if you are bugging out or trying to hunt or hide from people in a tight fitting tank top, skinny jeans and nikes.
Instead camo and earth base tones will be your best friend.
Here's some examples that I think you need to start stocking up so you are prepared.
So see you can look good, but smart too. So remember if you want to keep from standing out and being a target then think of what you should wear so you can hide. Now shoes… not heels or anything open toed. Go with a good pair of boots. Hiking or even hunting boots will protect you and more than likely there won’t be any issue of you hurting yourself.