
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

I have yet to read the book, but I held off on it after being so disappointed with Pride Prejudice and Zombies. I wanted to see this movie to give me an idea if the book was any good. I finally got it in from netflix and here's my review on it.

Synopsis: We learn the "truth" behind Abraham's childhood and how be became a great leader. His mother is killed by a vampire and he goes out looking to kill the vampire that killed her when he's an adult. In his failed attempt a stranger helps him and teaches him how to kill vampires. We see him progress into the man we knew with a dark secret.


Like I said I was hesitant on reading the book and only got into seeing the movie after seeing the trailers and being impressed by what I did see. I have also been falling away from vampires since Twilight has ruin them and very few people have been able to do them in a new way. 

With that said I did like the take of vampires in this movie. I thought the look of them and how they could look like everyday people was a great twist to the myth. It was refreshing to see it taken to a different way, but not in a weird sparkling crap. 

I will say I find the sunglasses to be distracting. I have yet to find if people really wore those back in the 1800s, but in every movie that shows people wearing them I automatically assume they are evil. I believe Dracula wears them as well. 

I really thought the Abraham vampire hunter and the politician was done well. They blended the two sides really well and there was no issues for me on it. It was a secret part of him, but one that was done well that you could see the possibility of it. 

I also like how they focused on Lincoln and not only on the Civil War. While that is an important part of his presidency, there was more to him and I like how they focused on his life and the challenges he faced. 

Also, the actions scenes were done very well and I didn't see any issues with the flow of the fights or the effects.

So it's a decent movie that I think is a good one for those who want a movie that is a little different from the other vampire movies.

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