
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

I have yet to read the book, but I held off on it after being so disappointed with Pride Prejudice and Zombies. I wanted to see this movie to give me an idea if the book was any good. I finally got it in from netflix and here's my review on it.

Synopsis: We learn the "truth" behind Abraham's childhood and how be became a great leader. His mother is killed by a vampire and he goes out looking to kill the vampire that killed her when he's an adult. In his failed attempt a stranger helps him and teaches him how to kill vampires. We see him progress into the man we knew with a dark secret.


Like I said I was hesitant on reading the book and only got into seeing the movie after seeing the trailers and being impressed by what I did see. I have also been falling away from vampires since Twilight has ruin them and very few people have been able to do them in a new way. 

With that said I did like the take of vampires in this movie. I thought the look of them and how they could look like everyday people was a great twist to the myth. It was refreshing to see it taken to a different way, but not in a weird sparkling crap. 

I will say I find the sunglasses to be distracting. I have yet to find if people really wore those back in the 1800s, but in every movie that shows people wearing them I automatically assume they are evil. I believe Dracula wears them as well. 

I really thought the Abraham vampire hunter and the politician was done well. They blended the two sides really well and there was no issues for me on it. It was a secret part of him, but one that was done well that you could see the possibility of it. 

I also like how they focused on Lincoln and not only on the Civil War. While that is an important part of his presidency, there was more to him and I like how they focused on his life and the challenges he faced. 

Also, the actions scenes were done very well and I didn't see any issues with the flow of the fights or the effects.

So it's a decent movie that I think is a good one for those who want a movie that is a little different from the other vampire movies.

The Walking Dead 3x8

So I'm a week late on this recap. I watched it on Sunday, but my new job started right on Monday so I haven't had time to write it. This is what happens when you finally get a grown up job. Any by grown up job I mean one that is long hours and had full benefits.

So to the episode. This is the last one until the show returns in February. My recap won't be as lengthy or in the right order since its been a week since I saw it.

We see a new group running away from zombies in the woods. They mention a tower and while they are running away one of them get bite. They run towards the structure and we see the prison with the wall blown out. We go back to Woodsbury where Andrea is getting ready to help Milton take care of Mr. Coleman and after she leaves the Governor goes to his little room and takes his daughter out of a cage next to the fish tanks and tries to get her to calm down, but she gets angry possibly because there is a bowl of meat near by.

Glenn asks Maggie if the Governor hurt or violated her and she tells him no. Glenn then rips arms bones out of the zombie he killed earlier with the chair. Merle and his men decide to take Glenn and Maggie to the "screamer" pits.

Rick, Daryl, Michonne and Oscar get into Woodsbury and search the hospital for Glenn and Maggie. They aren't there and before they can move on one of the towns people sees them and Rick knocks him out. They eventually make it to where Glenn and Maggie are being held. They already attack Merle and his group and Rick and his group uses smoke grenades to hide themselves and get Glenn and Maggie.

Back  in the prison Beth, Carl, Judith and Axel are in a cell where Axel creepily hit on Beth. Carol calls him out and we learn that Axel haven't seem many woman and he thinks that Carol is a lesbian due to her short hair.

Sometime after they rescue Glenn and Maggie Michonne takes off and goes to the Governor's apartment. She waits for either him or Andrea to return. While she's there she hears a noise and breaks into the room where she thinks he's keeping a child hostage until she realizes she's a zombie. As she frees the girl the Governor comes back and asks Michonne to leave her alone. Instead she kills Penny and then Michonne and the Governor get into a fight. They throw each other around the room breaking the fish tanks where Michonne almost gets bit, but she stabs the Governor in the eye with a piece of glass.

In the prison we hear screaming and Carl leaves to see what is going on. He finds the other group and brings them to the cell block. Carl is going to kill Donna the bitten member, but they tell him they'll do it. Carl, locks them into the cell block.

The group tries to get out of Woodsbury, but they are being shot at. As they try to escape Oscar gets shot, Maggie has to kills him so he doesn't turn. Daryl stays to give them cover fire. We then see the Governor gathering the people of Woodsbury and he calls out Merle as a traitor and brings Daryl out.


Overall I think the episode was a good one.There was a few things I thought were silly, but they were minor.

I think it ended just right to keep us wanting more for the continuation of the season and had enough action and drama. So it was a good episode and waiting till February is going to be hard.

What bothered me about this episode is how does Andrea or anyone else not hear or smell Penny? It seems unreasonable that there's no way to hear her moving or smell her rotting flesh. Also, is the guard tower the show's way of saying people are having sex. We know it's for Glenn and Maggie, but Carol and Axel are up there? Just seems weird to me.

Other than that I was good with the episode.