I am not sure how I got hooked on SyFy Channel's show Haven, but I have. Maybe it's because it's based on Steven King's book "The Colorado Kid" or that it sort of like x-men in a small town kind of way. Either way I was wondering if the show had gotten canceled, because the last episode of season 2 felt like it just ended, but not the usual cliff hanger that some shows do.
So in case you don't know what happened here's where season two left off. Nathan finally realizes that he can feel Audrey touch him. Before this, he could feel nothing, no pain, no one's touch or anything. And this makes him start to fall for her. They make a plan to have a date at her apartment, when she is taken by someone. We see Nathan believe it's Duke due to the fact Duke's dad killed Troubled people. So they have a big fight and end of the show. If none of this sounds familiar go back and watch the second season or both season one and two if nothing makes sense.
So season 3 starts off right were season 2 left off. Nathan and Duke continue their fight when another "trouble" even takes place. It's a huge magnetic surge that no one knows who caused it. So Nathan not only has to try to find Audrey, but figure out who caused the surge of magnetic energy, when another person has been taken. Nathan and Duke go to the scene of the other abduction and find a guy who believes the aliens took his mother. Ignoring the fact that he's troubled.
Meanwhile, some man is asking Audrey where the Colorado Kid is and she won't tell him since she doesn't remember. She finds another woman is being held because she had contact with the Colorado Kid and doesn't know where he is either.
I could go on in detail, but pretty much Audrey gets free, finds Nathan and Duke, but the other woman is burned to death. They try to make her son understand that he's troubled and ends up walking into the light of some ship that they believe he created with his "trouble". The show ends with them going to the grave site of where the Colorado Kid was buried and all that is there is Audrey's handwriting that they need to find him before the hunter.
Review: Overall, the episode wasn't bad. Watching it I didn't have any issues, but after thinking things over I realized that it was just an okay episode. It could have been the season ender for season 2 and still make people want another season. So I think it was a little lacking in excitement and just didn't leave me with much of an impression. Though I do think the season is going to get exciting with some of the new things that have slowly been developing all along.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Game Review: The Sims 3 Supernatural
If you didn't know I don't play many video games, but a few ones catch my attention. Since I was little I enjoyed the sims games. Not sim city or any of those, but The Sims. I played the original series and continued to play The Sims 3. I don't play as much as I use to and there are some times about the modern games that I don't like, but overall I still enjoy it.
I was slightly excited for the latest expansion pack Supernatural. I loved the original sims similar expansion pack called Making Magic. Unlike that one you have a lot of different new... races I'll call them that you have never been able to be before. You can be a witch, vampire, werewolf, fairy, ghost and genie. There are also zombies, but you don't like as a zombie just sims become zombies at night.
As usual there are a lot more items you get, looks, abilities and more to add. From what I have seen you have more with fairies and witches then the others. I have not played all of the races, but from what I have been seeing there are obvious on which races are better to play then others. I think EA & Maxis figured out which ones people really wanted and added the others for something new.
My current sim is a fairy and it seems like you can use magic, fly and other fun things. You live in a house, but there are fairy houses that you're sim can interact with as a fairy, but you do not see anything.
Overall, the game is fun to play if you enjoy the sims. If you aren't a fan and just want to buy it because it's has a horror theme, don't waste your money. While I love the games and they are something I can play with little thought or effort, but if you do not like them it's not a game for you.
I give the game 3 stars out of 5. While it's fun it's nothing special or anything you have to have and play.
I was slightly excited for the latest expansion pack Supernatural. I loved the original sims similar expansion pack called Making Magic. Unlike that one you have a lot of different new... races I'll call them that you have never been able to be before. You can be a witch, vampire, werewolf, fairy, ghost and genie. There are also zombies, but you don't like as a zombie just sims become zombies at night.

My current sim is a fairy and it seems like you can use magic, fly and other fun things. You live in a house, but there are fairy houses that you're sim can interact with as a fairy, but you do not see anything.
Overall, the game is fun to play if you enjoy the sims. If you aren't a fan and just want to buy it because it's has a horror theme, don't waste your money. While I love the games and they are something I can play with little thought or effort, but if you do not like them it's not a game for you.
I give the game 3 stars out of 5. While it's fun it's nothing special or anything you have to have and play.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
30 Day Halloween Challenge List
To add to the craziness of The Madness I found this 30 Day halloween challenge that I figured I would do as well in October. Here's the list in case you want to play along as well. Feel free to leave a link in the comments of your response.
Day 1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?
Day 2. What will you be for Halloween this year?
Day 3. What is your favorite horror movie?
Day 4. What is the dumbest costume you have ever seen?
Day 5. What was the first movie that terrified you?
Day 6. If you could be any monster for a day who would it be?
Day 7. What is your favorite Halloween character?
Day 8. Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Details please!
Day 9. Do you believe in witchcraft or voodoo?
Day 10. What is the best costume you’ve ever worn?
Day 11. What is your favorite candy?
Day 12. How do you act when watching a scary movie?
Day 13. What was the best pumpkin carving you’ve done?
Day 14. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
Day 15. Do you have any Halloween decorating tips/ideas?
Day 16. If you were trapped in a haunted house, who would you want with you?
Day 17. What are your Halloween traditions?
Day 18. What are your best Halloween pranks or dares?
Day 19. What is your biggest fear?
Day 20. What is your favorite TV show Halloween episode?
Day 21. If you could have any costume, what would it be?
Day 22. What is your favorite ghost story?
Day 23. What is the worst Halloween candy?
Day 24. Do you prefer trick or treating, a Halloween party, or pranking people?
Day 25. What is your favorite Halloween song?
Day 26. Have you ever used a Ouija board? If yes, please give details!
Day 27. What was your Halloween costume last year?
Day 28. What are your Halloween plans this year?
Day 29. What is your favorite Halloween memory?
Day 30. If you threw a Halloween party and could invite anyone, who would it be?
Day 31. Why do you love Halloween?
Day 1. What is your favorite Halloween movie?
Day 2. What will you be for Halloween this year?
Day 3. What is your favorite horror movie?
Day 4. What is the dumbest costume you have ever seen?
Day 5. What was the first movie that terrified you?
Day 6. If you could be any monster for a day who would it be?
Day 7. What is your favorite Halloween character?
Day 8. Have you ever had a paranormal experience? Details please!
Day 9. Do you believe in witchcraft or voodoo?
Day 10. What is the best costume you’ve ever worn?
Day 11. What is your favorite candy?
Day 12. How do you act when watching a scary movie?
Day 13. What was the best pumpkin carving you’ve done?
Day 14. Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
Day 15. Do you have any Halloween decorating tips/ideas?
Day 16. If you were trapped in a haunted house, who would you want with you?
Day 17. What are your Halloween traditions?
Day 18. What are your best Halloween pranks or dares?
Day 19. What is your biggest fear?
Day 20. What is your favorite TV show Halloween episode?
Day 21. If you could have any costume, what would it be?
Day 22. What is your favorite ghost story?
Day 23. What is the worst Halloween candy?
Day 24. Do you prefer trick or treating, a Halloween party, or pranking people?
Day 25. What is your favorite Halloween song?
Day 26. Have you ever used a Ouija board? If yes, please give details!
Day 27. What was your Halloween costume last year?
Day 28. What are your Halloween plans this year?
Day 29. What is your favorite Halloween memory?
Day 30. If you threw a Halloween party and could invite anyone, who would it be?
Day 31. Why do you love Halloween?
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Team Slither!!!
So if you didn't know for The Madness we are broken into 4 teams. Only one person wins, but the team with the most point each week and the team member with the most points each week helps boost you up. So this year I am on Team Slither with what I know some Amazing horror fans. Two of them run Dollar Bin Horror Blog and a radio show by the same name. They are pretty awesome people and I am glad to be on their team.
So go team Slither!!! Even if it's a long shot I will win I hope one of my team members does!!!
So go team Slither!!! Even if it's a long shot I will win I hope one of my team members does!!!
The Walking Dead Season 3 Poster
I got to say I love the posters they have come out with each upcoming season of The Walking Dead. Would be nice if they weren't all of Rick, but they are incredibly beautiful, gritty and tell a lot of what is going on. I do like the one for season two better, but this one does give you a nice idea of what to expect for season 3, well just for the main group. Also the, "Fight the Dead. Fear the Living" gives you even more idea of what's going to happen if you haven't see the trailer yet.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Movie Review: Abraham Lincoln vs Zombies
Can we leave the badass presidents alone?! Why do we need them to become supernatural killers? They are already badasses, do we really need to mock them by turning them into zombie or vampire killers?
Well.... if you are a crappy film director who has little imagination you just might need to use a badass president to get a movie idea. At least that what that seems like could be happening.
Synopsis: A Union troop is sent to take a fort away from the Confederates, but only one man survives and he's talking crazy. Lincoln visits him at a hospital and know exactly what has happened. Zombies have come back, after he dealt with them as a kid. So he forms the Secret Service to help him take not only the fort, but to kill the zombies as well. There are prostitutes to save as well as a young Teddy Roosevelt and the future of the United States. In the end Abraham Lincoln completed his mission, but turned into a zombie himself due to a scratch my a zombie. So he has John Wilkes Booth kill him so no one knows what happened.
Review: UGH... what a horrible movie. The costumes look too clean, neat and new. The zombie make up looks like crap. White face paint and black smudging under the eyes is not good make-up. The zombies... didn't even act like zombies. I'd call them sleeper zombies. The kind who get killed in their sleep. The acting was horrible, facial hair looked like glued on pubes, and no one gave a crap about some historical information.
I could go on and on and on about how bad this movie is. Don't go see it and please don't use this as an example of a good zombie movie... it's crap.
Texas Chainsaw 3D
I am a little late in posting this, but we have a trailer and a poster for the upcoming Texas Chainsaw 3D. I'll let you watch it below and then I'll give my opinion on it.
My opinion: I am not sure about this movie. While I like that they are basing this off of the 1973 movie and not the 2006 movie I don't know if i will enjoy it. Yes, I will still watch and review it, but I am not sure of how good this one will be. I feel from what I saw in the movie it's too much like every other remake of a slasher film. Yes, there are key elements to a slasher film, but there is a way of over doing it.
Horror Madness
Guess who's crazy enough to do the horror madness again?!! ME!!!
And a short little video of me:
This year's theme is Classic Creatures and Vampires... yup right up my alley and the poster above is for the madness. I am looking forward to it since I haven't been watching any horror movies lately. I didn't want to burn out before.
In case you want to play along here are the rules and information... it's long so be warned.
T’S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!! Fall is my favorite season. Every year, for the month of October, I watch all the genre, horror and Halloween related films I can (as do many of you) and made it into a game. It has been a tradition of mine for quite some time. So folks please join me in this fun “family institution”.
If you want to actively participate please leave a comment below.
This is a game of “Quantity” game not “Quality”. Watch as many films as you can!! THIS CONTEST IS NOT FOR A PRIZE, but a format so others can learn and add films of interest to their own “to watch” lists and increase readership on our blogs. I also have the extra pleasure of blowing up my husband’s mind once a year. I LOVE bad films and he is NOT a horror fan.
There is some new scoring this year, make sure to read this note carefully ONCE. Then make a copy and tape it next to your computer for reference when needed.
Starting SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30TH and ending WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31ST, WATCH nothing but horror, genre or Halloween related films and TV shows. As many as (in)humanly possible. It’s pretty liberal on what can be considered. See the list of accepted sub-genres below.
ALSO ACCEPTED, are other films not directly related to Horror/Halloween but maybe associated.
FOR EXAMPLE: SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARVES can be accepted because a witch is a main character. ANOTHER EXAMPLE: EDWARD SCISSORHANDS is accepted for its Gothic art direction. If you’re not sure if a film is accepted or not, just ask me and/or your Team Judge. You can always make a case for it
1. First Week Starts on SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 30th at 12:01 AM YOUR TIME.
2. Last Week Ends the First Sunrise after HALLOWEEN WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 31st.
3. You must post your SUMMARY ONCE A WEEK on your FB NOTES or BLOG.
(Tag Me and your Team Judge in FB please!!)
4. Your Blog/Notes should be Titled THE MADNESS: Creature Features Week XXXX!
5. You must post by the End of the Day SUNDAY for the films for that week to count.
(SPECIAL NOTE: Because Halloween is on a WEDNESDAY this year; you have until SUNDAY NOVEMBER 4th to post for the final week. That’s 4 Extra Days!!)
6. If you have written a review for a horror film, you saw before THE MADNESS, that was posted in the week on a BLOG or WEBSITE, you can use it as long as you count it in your WEEKLY SUMMARY.
7. You’re Blog/Notes should include:
a. The FILM & TV TITLES watched for the week,
b. The YEAR or SEASON and preferably the RUN TIME of each screening.
C. Some kind of RATING. (Stars, grades, thumbs up, like/dislike etc)
d. And the justification for WILD CARDS and/or BONUS POINTS
e. Only a couple sentences are needed, not full reviews. Don’t work too hard!
8. A film week is SUNDAY to SATURDAY. (With the exception of the final week which will be Sunday to Wednesday)
9. I will announce a “Weekly Winner”, and “Team Winners & Leaders”. But the “Grand Winner' will go to the Cumulative Winner of Overall Points for the whole month. Slow and steady viewers get a better chance to “win” that way.
10. Points are counted by the Hours Watched!!
a. A Feature film (Over 1 Hour) is worth 2.0 BASE POINTS unless it is over 2 Hours, then you gets more by ROUNDING UP to the closest half hour.
b. FOR EXAMPLE: A Two hour and 15 minute film would be worth 2.0 POINTS. BUT a 2 hour and 16 minute film would be worth 2.5 POINTS!
c. Hour TV shows are 1.0 BASE POINT, ½ Hour TV Shows are worth 0.5 BASE POINT.
11. Films do not have to be first watched, but can be only counted once. HOWEVER due to the nature of this year’s theme, I will accept multiple cuts of the same film. They however must have been theatrically released or restored version released on DVD. (EXAMPLE: you can watch the American Cut of GODZILLA and The Japanese cut of GOJIRA)
12. This contest is done on the Honor System, so please be honest.
Film genres that are eligible BUT NOT LIMITED TO:
Anime Horror
Foreign Horror
Ghost Stories
B-Movie Horror
Cult Horror
Horror Classics
Horror Anthology
(post) Apocalyptic Stories
Creature Features & Monsters Movies
Satanic Stories (ANY film where the Devil is a character, is accepted.)
Slashers and Serial Killers
Giallo and IHorror
Mutants & Cannibals
Large Bugs, Rodents & Animal Attacks
Radioactive Monsters
Teen Horror
Werewolves & Shape Shifters
ALL Fantasy A to Z (This year only!)
ALL Science Fiction (This year only!)
Dystopian Futures (Returning this year!)
Alien Invasions
Children’s Horror
Film Noir (ONLY if there is a freakish murderer. Think FREAKS or M over DOUBLE INDEMNITY/MALTESE FALCON)
Pagan and Wiccan films
ANY TV Horror Anthology:
Fear Itself
Masters of Horror
Twilight Zone
Outer Limits
Night Gallery
Tales from the Crypt
The Hitchhiker
Freddy's Nightmares
Tales from the Darkside
OTHER (surprise me)
ANY Horror Television Series:
True Blood
Eerie Indiana
Being Human (both versions)
Vampire Diaries
Buffy and Angel
Friday the 13th the series
Dark Shadows (Both versions)
The Ghost Whisperer
The Munsters
Ugly Americans
R.L. Steins’ Goosebumps & The Haunting Hour
The Addams Family
The Walking Dead
The Secret Circle
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Adventure Time
American Horror Story
Once Upon a Time
Lost Girl
Any Halloween special episode
Any film or show on FearNet, Chiller or the Monster Channel
Any Monster Movie shown on Scy-Fy
Examples of other types of film that MAY be eligible. You will have to MAKE A CASE for films like:
Disney Studios (a lot of Disney qualifies)
Comic Book films (Some I will accept, others I will not. Think BATMAN over SUPERMAN)
Adventure films (I will NOT accept GOONIES)
Films with Gothic/Noir art direction:
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Tim Burton’s Batman
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
The Third Man
Dark City
You can watch ANYTHING: About, acted, directed, written, distributed or produced by… (Does not have to be horror):
Bruce Campbell
Vincent Price
Fay Wray
Barbare Steele
Ray Harryhausen
Peter Cushing
Christopher Lee
James Whale
Lon Chaney Jr & Sr.
Bela Lugosi
Boris Karloff
Tod Browming
F.W. Murnau
Val Lewton
Abbot & Costello
Elsa Lanchester
Simone Simon
Rob Bottin
Ed Wood
Ingid Pitt
William Castle
Guy Maddin
Gene Wilder
Malcolm McDowell
A – If a Documentary Film or Reality Television show fits into the overall theme, I will accept it. DOCOS are NOT eligible for BONUS POINTS. HOWEVER I will accept a Documentary FOR ONE BONUS POINT If it is SPECIFICALLY ABOUT a name on the WILD CARD list above.
B – I cannot give individual points to Horror Shorts or Serial Reels, under a half hour, ala carte. But if you watch a collection of them, they will count at the whole running time of the films together. The Exception to this are One Reel films from the Silent Era. See the BONUS POINTS below for details.
C – I will accept Trailer Reels 1 half hour or longer AND Mondo films are also accepted. Trailers Reels and Mondo films are NOT eligible for BONUS POINTS.
D – If you attend or work an OUTSIDE Halloween event like at an amusement park or a seasonal walkthrough, I will accept it for points. This DOES NOT include House Parties and DOES NOT count for BONUS POINTS.
E – Due to the nature of this year’s theme, I will accept multiple cuts of the same film. They however must have been theatrically released OR a restored version released on DVD. (EXAMPLE: you can watch the American Cut of GODZILLA and The Japanese cut of GOJIRA)
This year’s Theme is Pioneering Monster Movies with an emphasis on Vampires. We are kicking it Old School. So time to bust out those childhood favorites and watch Monsters Eat, Destroy and F**K their way through the lives of the evil and naive! Who said that horror lovers are not classically trained?
OR you get ONE POINT (+1) for a WILD CARD with at least one of the following elements:
- If what you’re watching features a Vampire, Shape Shifter or a Golem (Cumulative Points!)
ON VAMPIRES: Will accept cultural variations. EXAMPLES: Penanggalans and Chupacabras are counted as Vampires.
ON SHAPE SHIFTERS: MUST be Humanoid to Animal. EXAMPLES: Werewolves or Sam on TRUEBLOOD.
ON GOLEMS: Definition – A Mythical Creature originally of Hebrew decent. An animated anthropomorphic being, created entirely from inanimate matter. Often it is brought to life by a Sorcerer or Mad Scientist. They are often used to protect a person, place or thing, but sometimes are used for Assassination. A Golem can be made out of human flesh but the Flesh Golem’s body must be dead at the time of reanimation. EXAMPLES: Frankenstein’s Monster, The Tiki Doll from the TRILOGY OF TERROR, Sally from the THE NIGHMARE BEFORE XMAS.
2. What you’re watching is from 1959 or Earlier. (If it’s 1929 or Earlier AUTOMATIC TRIPLE BONUS)
SPECIAL NOTE: 1 Reel Movies (12 Minutes) from the Silent Era are an AUTOMATIC 6 POINTS!
3. What you’re watching is Silent or shot in Black & White from 1970 or Later.
4. If what you’re watching features more than one Classic Universal Monster.
ACCEPTED UNIVERSAL MONSTERS FOR THIS CATEGORY: Frankenstein’s Monster, The Bride, Phantom of the Opera, The Wolfman, The Mummy, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Hunchback of Notre Dame & the Invisible Man.
5. If the film you’re watching is Horror Hosted or Screened at a Drive-In Movie Theater.
SPECIAL NOTE: AUTOMATIC TRIPLE BONUS for the Horror Hosts: Elvira, Vampira, Joe Bob Briggs, Count Gore De Vol & Commander USA.
THE MST3K CLAUSE: All Mystery Science Theater 3000 Episodes are considered WILD CARDS eligible for ONE BONUS POINT ONLY. FOR EXAMPLE: If you watch EARTH VS THE GIANT SPIDER you would get more points for the “Pure” version (4.0 POINTS) over the MST3K version (3.0 POINTS). However you can watch ANY MST3K episodes for one bonus point no matter the type of film.
6. If Man in Suit/Kaiju, Stop Animation or Practical Puppet FX Monsters fight each other.
7. If a Monster destroys a specific real life city or landmark.
8. An ON CAMERA transformation from Humanoid to Animal or Monster, Vice Versa.
9. Tidy Monsters! DEFINTION - A monster when killed that either disappears or turns to dust with very little clean up. EXAMPLES: The Vampires in BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER or NOSFERATU.
10. A Castle or Mansion lit by a Full Moon, A Revolving Bookshelf/Wall Trap Door, An Insane Asylum, A Secret Island Fortress or an Underground City or Lair.
There is Secret List of 15 CREATURE FEATURES that are worth an extra 10 POINTS each to whoever watches them first. Only I and the judges know which films they are, but they are some of our favorite Classic Horror films from the 1910’s to the present.
1910’s: Since its original release, This Kinetoscope film had been listed as missing; no copies of the film existed. An original nitrate print finally turned up in Wisconsin in the mid-1970s.
1920’s: This film is referenced in the 1931 FRANKENSTEIN and one of the reasons we are having this theme.
1930’s: Bela Lugosi is in one shot of this film as Dracula but he is not the star of this Dracula movie.
1940’s: John Carradine replaces Lugosi as Dracula. But Karloff and Chaney Jr. reprise their roles.
1950’s (2 FILMS!): #1 – Who knew that Shakespeare was full of monsters and robots!
#2 – Most of the action is not on camera yet it still wins the Oscar for Visual FX.
1960’s (2 FILMS!): #1 – The nickname of one of our Judges!
#2 – Hammer went to Greek Mythology for its monster in this unsung gem.
1970’s: The monster’s nest for this film was shot in the Left Hand Tunnel, a tourist stop in Carlsbad Caverns National Park where I use to work!
1980’s (2 FILMS!) #1 – Don Coscarelli was scheduled to direct this Stephen King film but left over creative differences with 'Dino De Laurentiis'.
#2 – The PA on this Gooey Cult Classic is a FB friend of mine and went on to write and direct an award winning segment of last year’s CHILLERAMA!
1990’s: EKG is married to Paul Cogan, who is the son of Michael Cogan, who was friends with the late actor Victor Wong, who starred in this film with Kevin Bacon! That means I have four degrees of Separation!
2000’s: “But what do I care? I got a growth on my pecker.”
2010’s (2 FILMS!) #1 -I use to work for the National Park Service but I would never want to work for them in Norway.
#2 – "Dolor supervivo caro. Dolor sublimus caro. Dolor ignio animus." = Pain outlives the flesh. Pain raises the flesh. Pain ignites the spirit.
There are two films I will award 20 EXTRA POINTS to the First Person who Watches these films.
Even the Judges do not know what titles:
1981: The first true Indonesian horror film aimed at a western audience and one of my favorite scores to any horror film.
2002: Who knew that Asian-Canadian Vampires could dance so well!
After these films are found, if anyone else watches them, they will be scored by the normal point system.
If ANYONE finds a way to watch NIGHTBREED – THE CABAL CUT, I will give you 50 POINTS!! Watch carefully, these screening pop up with very little notice. CANNOT BE A BOOTLEG!! You must SCAN your TICKET or PROGRAM, or a SCREEN CAPTURE of the event, on THE MADNESS page to get the points. DON’T FORGET to include it in your WEEKLY SUMMARY!!
YOU MUST EXPLAIN, in your WEEKLY SUMMARY, WHY you should get the BONUS POINTS. We may not know the film so you must tell me so we can give you the correct amount of points.
DO NOT GET TO HUNG UP ON THE RULES!! That is why you have judges. Asking questions and debate is all part of the fun. Just make sure you know the WILD CARD list and the BONUS ELEMENTS. Never be afraid to ask questions.
BASICALLY WATCH AS MANY FILMS AS YOUR SCHEDULE ALLOWS and post by the end of the day on SUNDAYS. If you can remember that you can play this game no problem.
AND PLEASE DON’T APOLOGIZE if you have a low viewing week. That is just part of THE MADNESS. Real life should get in the way. Whether you watch one film a week or 100, this is supposed to be fun. Please do not stress out and enjoy some great Classic Cinema.
If you win, you may not get a prize BUT you get admin rights to the group and total bragging rights for the rest of the year. Of course you may possibly suffer from permanent brain damage.
Good Film Hunting and Happy Halloween!!
And a short little video of me:
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