
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Horror Madness Announced!!

Yes, we still have some time before it starts, but the theme has been announced and as usual it teaches me how little I really know about horror. I never claim to be an expert, but my goodness there is always so much I have learned by doing this challenge.

So this year's theme is Portrait of a Video Nasty, which according to the wikipedia page (yes I don't like the site, but for things like this it helps) has to do with low budget films that had been banned by some group or cut to be okay for viewers.  The page also gives a list of movies that would fit. There are some that I guessed would be on it, but others I had no idea of.

If you want to get more info the facebook page is  

Feel free to join and even take part in the Madness.

1 comment:

  1. This is great! Thank you for posting this! I was reading throw your posts, and you've got a good style of writing, your personality shows through, and that's rare. So mad kudos to ya.

    I just followed you, because I really dig this page. Great job!

    If you wanna chat horror films sometime, swing by my page.
