
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chernobyl Diaries: Movie Review

I haven been wanting to see this movie since I heard about it. I wasn't sure what it was going to be on, but the idea of a horror movie in Chernobyl seemed like a new idea.

Synopsis: 6 tourists go on a "Extreme" tour to the city of Pripyat, where the nuclear reactor had failed and tons of people had to evacuate. While there things don't seem right and one thing after the next goes wrong.

Review: I really have to question what I was looking forward with this movie. I was bored for the most part and felt like the usual cheep scares to get the audience to be one edge failed. I sat there wondering what I was suppose to be afraid of.

The "monsters" in this movie I THINK were radioactive cannibals. I'm not sure because they never mentioned what they were, but that's my guess best on the clues you were given. It took the entire hour of the movie to get to where I knew what was so scary about this town.

The only other giveaway of this movie being crap was that they played the usual, opps they won't let us through we'll take the back "secrete" road so no one knows we're here... come one that one has been done and even the crappy and good horror movie stop this plot a long time ago.

I really wish this movie was better, it had the potential, but it fell very flat. And as usual they left it where you can guess there might be a sequel, which I hope isn't or better than this one. So please don't waste your time.

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