So we got two teaser trailers for Bate Motel which will be on A&E early next year supposedly. I'll let you watch the trailers, they don't show much, but then I'll tell you what I think about them.
I know they are called teasers to get you interested, but honestly with these two I wouldn't even know they were for the Bates Motel until I saw the title page. I guess I don't know where they are going with it other than it's the backstory to Norman and explains how he became a psycho.... I hope they don't ruin one of my favorite movies with this crap.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
The Walking Dead 3x7
This is late because I was out of town and didnt get a chance to watch the episode until today. I manage to not get anything spoiled.
This episode we see that Glenn and Maggie are taken prisoners at Woodsbury. Merle is torturing Glenn to find out where the group is holding up. Glenn isn't giving in and let's slip the name of group members who have died and mentions Andrea's name. Then Merle brings a walker into the room and uses it to try to convince Glenn to tell him where they are. Even though Glenn is bound he fights the walker survives.
Merle and the governor are talking about what to do when the group comes for Maggie and Glenn. The governor wants to talk to Maggie. He cuts her loose and tries to convince her that it was a mistake and will take her back but not Glenn. She won't give in and he asks her to stand up and asks her to take off her shirt or Glenn's hand will get cut off. He takes off his belt and tries to scare her to tell him but she won't do it. The governor brings Maggie into Glenn's cell with a gun and Maggie finally tells them where to find the group. They don't believe her since they think the prison is over run with bitters. They leave them and discuss how dangerous the group must be if hey are in the middle of the red zone.
We see Rick and the others approach Woodsbury while the governor and his men get ready to go to the prison. Andrea comes back to the governor's place and rather takes a drink of whiskey while telling the governor that t didn't work. She falls into his arms.
Rick rescues Michonne from the walkers outside the prison and at first doesn't want to tell them how she found them, but the. She does. Rick, Daryl, Oscar, and Michonne leave towards the town and a bits away they go on foot. While walking Rick thanks Daryl for taking care of Carl and the baby who Carl wants to name Judith after one of his teachers. The group gets surrounded by walkers and go into a ca in for shelter. They find the owner asleep in his bed. He panics and Michonne kills him. They use him as bait and exit a backdoor which is clear.
The governor takes Andrea to he research area where the nerdy guy is taking care if a man named Mr. Coleman. He asked Andrea to queue the record and in some transept tells him who his family was and Milton explains what is going on. They are trying to figure out once a person dies naturally if trace memories will stay when they reanimate and Andrea will exicute him. The man comes back and Milton thinks he sees a response and takes off the restraints to know better. Andrea kills him because he lunges at him.
I thought the episode was decent. I know it's building up to something but I felt like it was constantly teasing something g good and then nothing. I thought the governor was going to rpe Maggie, maybe he will late but they a lot about it but then nothing.
I'm hoping its going to better when we see the groups fight. I think it's still going well overall this just wasn't my favorite. I did like when Carl told Rick what Daryl was calling the baby. I did think it was weird the name he decided on.
This episode we see that Glenn and Maggie are taken prisoners at Woodsbury. Merle is torturing Glenn to find out where the group is holding up. Glenn isn't giving in and let's slip the name of group members who have died and mentions Andrea's name. Then Merle brings a walker into the room and uses it to try to convince Glenn to tell him where they are. Even though Glenn is bound he fights the walker survives.
Merle and the governor are talking about what to do when the group comes for Maggie and Glenn. The governor wants to talk to Maggie. He cuts her loose and tries to convince her that it was a mistake and will take her back but not Glenn. She won't give in and he asks her to stand up and asks her to take off her shirt or Glenn's hand will get cut off. He takes off his belt and tries to scare her to tell him but she won't do it. The governor brings Maggie into Glenn's cell with a gun and Maggie finally tells them where to find the group. They don't believe her since they think the prison is over run with bitters. They leave them and discuss how dangerous the group must be if hey are in the middle of the red zone.
We see Rick and the others approach Woodsbury while the governor and his men get ready to go to the prison. Andrea comes back to the governor's place and rather takes a drink of whiskey while telling the governor that t didn't work. She falls into his arms.
Rick rescues Michonne from the walkers outside the prison and at first doesn't want to tell them how she found them, but the. She does. Rick, Daryl, Oscar, and Michonne leave towards the town and a bits away they go on foot. While walking Rick thanks Daryl for taking care of Carl and the baby who Carl wants to name Judith after one of his teachers. The group gets surrounded by walkers and go into a ca in for shelter. They find the owner asleep in his bed. He panics and Michonne kills him. They use him as bait and exit a backdoor which is clear.
The governor takes Andrea to he research area where the nerdy guy is taking care if a man named Mr. Coleman. He asked Andrea to queue the record and in some transept tells him who his family was and Milton explains what is going on. They are trying to figure out once a person dies naturally if trace memories will stay when they reanimate and Andrea will exicute him. The man comes back and Milton thinks he sees a response and takes off the restraints to know better. Andrea kills him because he lunges at him.
I thought the episode was decent. I know it's building up to something but I felt like it was constantly teasing something g good and then nothing. I thought the governor was going to rpe Maggie, maybe he will late but they a lot about it but then nothing.
I'm hoping its going to better when we see the groups fight. I think it's still going well overall this just wasn't my favorite. I did like when Carl told Rick what Daryl was calling the baby. I did think it was weird the name he decided on.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Vacation Time
I hope everyone in the US had fun stuffing themselves with whatever you eat on Thanksgiving. I know not everyone has turkey. I for once will actually be taking a vacation for my birthday (Nov 29th). I have been dying to go to Tombstone,AZ for years. I went back in like 1995 with my Girl Scout troop when we took a trip to Ramsey Canyon. I fell in love with the town and started to get really into the history of The Earp's and Doc Holiday, it actually was going to be my research project last year, but it just didn't work out.
So for 3 days we'll being staying at what seems to be the best motel in Tombstone. The reviews were great and it's located near the OK Corral, The Bird Cage Theater, Big Nose Kate's and a few other places. I was on the website for the motel just to go over the list of amenities and just to get familiar with it before we head down. I've been on there site several times and just now I saw a little photo link with a cartoon ghost.
That's right our motel is haunted. Here's the link to the news article about it. I don't know which room we're in, but it would be cool if we are in room 1-4 which are said to be haunted. I've never stayed in a haunted motel before. If you are familiar with Tombstone you know there is a lot of supposed hauntings in the town.
So needless to say if anything happens I will write about it and do one of my fallen's ghost stories videos.
So for 3 days we'll being staying at what seems to be the best motel in Tombstone. The reviews were great and it's located near the OK Corral, The Bird Cage Theater, Big Nose Kate's and a few other places. I was on the website for the motel just to go over the list of amenities and just to get familiar with it before we head down. I've been on there site several times and just now I saw a little photo link with a cartoon ghost.
That's right our motel is haunted. Here's the link to the news article about it. I don't know which room we're in, but it would be cool if we are in room 1-4 which are said to be haunted. I've never stayed in a haunted motel before. If you are familiar with Tombstone you know there is a lot of supposed hauntings in the town.
So needless to say if anything happens I will write about it and do one of my fallen's ghost stories videos.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
RIP Twinkies
So what do the twinkies have to do with zombies?! nothing unless you are a fan of the ever popular movie Zombieland. If you haven't seen it, Tallahasse (Woody Harrelson) is in search for Twinkies. So when the news that Hostess, the people who make Twinkies was shutting down after a baker's strike. Here's the news story on what's going on.

One last thing, I am sure someone will buy the recipe and the rights for them. Other companies make crappier versions of them so i am sure someone will make them again. Just wait a bit. I happened with the face cream Princess Diana use to wear... oh yeah I bet you didn't know that.
The Walking Dead 3x6
This will be our last episode for a while. Again if you don't want anything to be spoiled then stop reading.
Merle and a few others are outside Woodsbury find a Biter O Gram to go back. They are looking for Michonne who pops out and kills two of the men. She gets away and our credits roll.
We return and hear a woman talking to Rick on the phone glad to hear others, she's been calling since it started. He asks if they can take the group but she has to talk to the others and will call back in 2 hours. He cries that they're dying in there. Rick checks on everyone and wants to clean the bodies out but leaves before he mentions the call.
Merle and one other gut survives the attac from Michonne and they must kill the other two and get away because she's hunting. Andrea tells the governor she still doesn't like the fights but gets it. She tells him she wants to contribute and guard the wall.
Someone else calls Rick back and he tells them how safe it is. The caller asks Rich if he's killed anyone and he tells him about 4 people and then is asks how he lost his wife. The man hangs up and Rich throws a fit.
Andre and another girl talk about shooting bows. She misses so Andre jumps outside and kills it.
Hershel goes to where Rick received the phone call and mentions how he still feels his legs and toes of his missing foot. He tells Rick Lori was sorry and that there's nowhere else to run. Rick then explains about the phone calls. Hershel wants to sit with Rick when they call again but Rick won't have it.
Merle and Michonne fight in the woods and is attacked by walkers. They survive and Michonne is nowhere to be found.
Daryl and Oscar search the prison with Carl. Daryl tells Carl a story about when his mom died as a child. Carl tells Daryl that he shoot his mom and that it was real.
The governor is "writing" in his journal when Andrea stops by and is told not to by on the wall anymore. She explains that she did enjoy the fights and hated that she did. He tells her he's growing on her. Michonne got away but is going to die so Merle wants to go back but the kid doesn't so he shoots him. Michonne we see is hurt and covered in walker blood. She learns it makes her invisible to them.
Another woman calls back wants to hear how Lori dies and Rick questions how she knew his name and hangs up.
Michonne wonders into a deserted town where Maggie and Glenn go to get supplies. Andrea and the governor talk in his garden and he asks her how long it's been but nervously says he meant the whiskey. And being there with her. He explains his theory of why they survive and they kiss.
Merle surprise Maggie and Glenn with Michonne still hiding. He asks Glenn about Daryl and wants to go with them to see Daryl. Tells them he fixed his arm and Glenn doesn't want to let Merle go with. Merle holds Maggie hostage and demands he drives them away.
Oscar finds slippers in an empty cell and a walker tries to attack them. The walker was stabbed in the throat with carols knife and Rick gets another phone call. They claim to know him and he hears lori's voice. She asks him what happened and he tells her he was going to keep them all alive. She tells him he still has the the others and the phone gets static.
The Andrea and the governor sleep together while there's a knock at the door. It's Merle coming to tell him about the guys dying and killed Michonne but doesn't have her stuff. He ten tells the governor that he found two people that Andrea knew with them. And will find out where the group is staying.
Rick returns to the cell block and be holds the baby. We see Daryl stabbing the knife and loose it and finds carol who's looking pretty worn out. Rick, Carl ,Beth and Hershel go towards the courtyard and Rick walks towards the gate to see Michonne with the basket of formula shaking with zombies surrounding the group.
Overall I really liked the episode while we got not big characters dying we did get the questions answered to how the last episode left us with.
I still find the interaction between Andrea and the governor pretty awkward. I get that he maybe out of practice but Andre as well seems awkward as well. I'm sure there's a big reason for this hook up but I'm not enjoying it.
I was glad to see we saw who was calling but I felt like Rick did a 180 afterwards a little too quickly and thank goodness we found carol. I did want them to magically assume she was dead.
To add to this post. I realized that this episode is the last we'll have for a while and I felt like it wasn't as exciting as it could be. While I know I'll watch when the show returns I'm not sure this episode will convince people who are on the fence to keep watching the show. Nevermind we get a new episode next week.
Merle and a few others are outside Woodsbury find a Biter O Gram to go back. They are looking for Michonne who pops out and kills two of the men. She gets away and our credits roll.
We return and hear a woman talking to Rick on the phone glad to hear others, she's been calling since it started. He asks if they can take the group but she has to talk to the others and will call back in 2 hours. He cries that they're dying in there. Rick checks on everyone and wants to clean the bodies out but leaves before he mentions the call.
Merle and one other gut survives the attac from Michonne and they must kill the other two and get away because she's hunting. Andrea tells the governor she still doesn't like the fights but gets it. She tells him she wants to contribute and guard the wall.
Someone else calls Rick back and he tells them how safe it is. The caller asks Rich if he's killed anyone and he tells him about 4 people and then is asks how he lost his wife. The man hangs up and Rich throws a fit.
Andre and another girl talk about shooting bows. She misses so Andre jumps outside and kills it.
Hershel goes to where Rick received the phone call and mentions how he still feels his legs and toes of his missing foot. He tells Rick Lori was sorry and that there's nowhere else to run. Rick then explains about the phone calls. Hershel wants to sit with Rick when they call again but Rick won't have it.
Merle and Michonne fight in the woods and is attacked by walkers. They survive and Michonne is nowhere to be found.
Daryl and Oscar search the prison with Carl. Daryl tells Carl a story about when his mom died as a child. Carl tells Daryl that he shoot his mom and that it was real.
The governor is "writing" in his journal when Andrea stops by and is told not to by on the wall anymore. She explains that she did enjoy the fights and hated that she did. He tells her he's growing on her. Michonne got away but is going to die so Merle wants to go back but the kid doesn't so he shoots him. Michonne we see is hurt and covered in walker blood. She learns it makes her invisible to them.
Another woman calls back wants to hear how Lori dies and Rick questions how she knew his name and hangs up.
Michonne wonders into a deserted town where Maggie and Glenn go to get supplies. Andrea and the governor talk in his garden and he asks her how long it's been but nervously says he meant the whiskey. And being there with her. He explains his theory of why they survive and they kiss.
Merle surprise Maggie and Glenn with Michonne still hiding. He asks Glenn about Daryl and wants to go with them to see Daryl. Tells them he fixed his arm and Glenn doesn't want to let Merle go with. Merle holds Maggie hostage and demands he drives them away.
Oscar finds slippers in an empty cell and a walker tries to attack them. The walker was stabbed in the throat with carols knife and Rick gets another phone call. They claim to know him and he hears lori's voice. She asks him what happened and he tells her he was going to keep them all alive. She tells him he still has the the others and the phone gets static.
The Andrea and the governor sleep together while there's a knock at the door. It's Merle coming to tell him about the guys dying and killed Michonne but doesn't have her stuff. He ten tells the governor that he found two people that Andrea knew with them. And will find out where the group is staying.
Rick returns to the cell block and be holds the baby. We see Daryl stabbing the knife and loose it and finds carol who's looking pretty worn out. Rick, Carl ,Beth and Hershel go towards the courtyard and Rick walks towards the gate to see Michonne with the basket of formula shaking with zombies surrounding the group.
Overall I really liked the episode while we got not big characters dying we did get the questions answered to how the last episode left us with.
I still find the interaction between Andrea and the governor pretty awkward. I get that he maybe out of practice but Andre as well seems awkward as well. I'm sure there's a big reason for this hook up but I'm not enjoying it.
I was glad to see we saw who was calling but I felt like Rick did a 180 afterwards a little too quickly and thank goodness we found carol. I did want them to magically assume she was dead.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
The Walking Dead 3x5
Again if you haven't seen this episode do not read this post. SPOILERS
So this episode starts with the town of Woodsbury having a party. They have cold drinks and Andrea and Milton are talking about tonight's festivities. We then see the Governor brushing someone's hair who happens to be a zombie. The hair rips out she gets angry and tries to bite him. He ties he up and he notices Michonne looking up at his window.
Credits roll and when we return we are back at the prison were we last left off and Rick isn't hearing anything, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn offer to go get formula for the baby but darly and Maggie go only. Rick grabs an axe and runs into the prison.
Back at Woodsbury the crowd gathers while the governor gives a speak on how far the group has come and Michonne goes into the governors house to get her sword back. He overhear the governor, Milton and Merle talk about tonight and an experiment. Michonne finds a cage full zombies which she kills and gets caught. She and the governor talk about her fitting in and that he was going to give her sword back. He offers her a place with the research team and she pulls her sword out on him. She leaves after not killing him.
Back to the prison we see Glenn digging a grave and Axel and Oscar said the area is clear and offer to help him. He tells them to dig two more as he tells Hershel that he'll go inside to get Rick and then explains how he knew t-dog when the outbreak started and how he saved Glenn's life.
Back to Woodsbury and we see Andrea and the governor talking about what Michonne had done. He tells her Michonne is causing issues and tries to get Andrea talk her. Michonne wants to leave and Andrea doesn't see how the town is bad.
Glenn goes searching for Rick and we see bodies of zombies everywhere and when Glenn finally finds Rick he's not all there. He snaps at Glenn and almost kills him.
We see this set up that is the generator which us wind and solar powered with a pit to catch zombies. Milton looks over the zombies and he he's but but is wearing this duct tape suit and survives. Merle kills it and pulls out it's teeth.
Maggie and Daryl break into a daycare for baby supplies. They hear something in a pantry and it turns out to be an opossum.
The girls try to leave and Merle tries to stop them. The lightbulb huts Andrea that something is wrong but they are allowed to leave. Andrea tells Michonne that she cannot live any longer on the road. Michonne asks if Andrea is coming and when she doesn't. She walks out and tells Andrea she only slowed her down. The govenernor tries to console Andrea and offers a drink, company and to forget.
Daryl and Maggie return at night and they give the baby the formula. Darly is the one holding and feeding the baby and he asks Carl if he's thought of a name. Daryl calls her asskicker. Rick finds where Lori was killed but there is just the bullet and he finds a zombie and shoots it in the mouth. Assuming it ate Lori Rick stabs the zombie.
Back at Woodsbury there's a game.zombies are chained up while Merle and another guy are going to fight. Andrea is appalled while everyone is cheering. She tells the governor it's barbaric and that its fixed but she isn't buying it. Merle wins.
At the prison it's early dawn and we see Daryl place a flower on one of the grave sites. Rick is sitting where Lori died and the phone rings.
My review:
I thought the episode was really good. Some action and drama and it didn't get boring. A few things that I was weary on but still a good episode.
I will say that there's an element in tonight's episode that is similar to what I am writing about for my nanowrimo novel. I guess it's in the comics but I haven't gotten that far yet. I won't say what that is.
Anyone else thinks its weird that Milton calls the governor by his real name after all the earlier crap that he doesn't tell anyone it? It was said only once but it felt weird hearing it.
Also the duct tape suit I'm not sure I buy that. Yes it's strong but I think it need to be thicker to work and you'd have to replace it over time.
Also I find it odd that Daryl is getting all paternal and caring for the baby. Not to say he's stone cold or anything but out if everyone left he's one if the last people I would expect this from.
Now was Lori eaten by that zombie or not. I feel confused because there was no blood on the bullet and blood in the floor with drag marks so something else might have happen. I almost want to say they are playing with us.
I think the fight with chained zombies was cool but I thought it be more ruthless than it was.
And lastly where the hell is carol? There's no mention if finding her body so why the grave? Is she going to be this season's Sofia? And who the hell called Rick? Carol? Lori? The governor? Too many questions
So this episode starts with the town of Woodsbury having a party. They have cold drinks and Andrea and Milton are talking about tonight's festivities. We then see the Governor brushing someone's hair who happens to be a zombie. The hair rips out she gets angry and tries to bite him. He ties he up and he notices Michonne looking up at his window.
Credits roll and when we return we are back at the prison were we last left off and Rick isn't hearing anything, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn offer to go get formula for the baby but darly and Maggie go only. Rick grabs an axe and runs into the prison.
Back at Woodsbury the crowd gathers while the governor gives a speak on how far the group has come and Michonne goes into the governors house to get her sword back. He overhear the governor, Milton and Merle talk about tonight and an experiment. Michonne finds a cage full zombies which she kills and gets caught. She and the governor talk about her fitting in and that he was going to give her sword back. He offers her a place with the research team and she pulls her sword out on him. She leaves after not killing him.
Back to the prison we see Glenn digging a grave and Axel and Oscar said the area is clear and offer to help him. He tells them to dig two more as he tells Hershel that he'll go inside to get Rick and then explains how he knew t-dog when the outbreak started and how he saved Glenn's life.
Back to Woodsbury and we see Andrea and the governor talking about what Michonne had done. He tells her Michonne is causing issues and tries to get Andrea talk her. Michonne wants to leave and Andrea doesn't see how the town is bad.
Glenn goes searching for Rick and we see bodies of zombies everywhere and when Glenn finally finds Rick he's not all there. He snaps at Glenn and almost kills him.
We see this set up that is the generator which us wind and solar powered with a pit to catch zombies. Milton looks over the zombies and he he's but but is wearing this duct tape suit and survives. Merle kills it and pulls out it's teeth.
Maggie and Daryl break into a daycare for baby supplies. They hear something in a pantry and it turns out to be an opossum.
The girls try to leave and Merle tries to stop them. The lightbulb huts Andrea that something is wrong but they are allowed to leave. Andrea tells Michonne that she cannot live any longer on the road. Michonne asks if Andrea is coming and when she doesn't. She walks out and tells Andrea she only slowed her down. The govenernor tries to console Andrea and offers a drink, company and to forget.
Daryl and Maggie return at night and they give the baby the formula. Darly is the one holding and feeding the baby and he asks Carl if he's thought of a name. Daryl calls her asskicker. Rick finds where Lori was killed but there is just the bullet and he finds a zombie and shoots it in the mouth. Assuming it ate Lori Rick stabs the zombie.
Back at Woodsbury there's a game.zombies are chained up while Merle and another guy are going to fight. Andrea is appalled while everyone is cheering. She tells the governor it's barbaric and that its fixed but she isn't buying it. Merle wins.
At the prison it's early dawn and we see Daryl place a flower on one of the grave sites. Rick is sitting where Lori died and the phone rings.
My review:
I thought the episode was really good. Some action and drama and it didn't get boring. A few things that I was weary on but still a good episode.
I will say that there's an element in tonight's episode that is similar to what I am writing about for my nanowrimo novel. I guess it's in the comics but I haven't gotten that far yet. I won't say what that is.
Anyone else thinks its weird that Milton calls the governor by his real name after all the earlier crap that he doesn't tell anyone it? It was said only once but it felt weird hearing it.
Also the duct tape suit I'm not sure I buy that. Yes it's strong but I think it need to be thicker to work and you'd have to replace it over time.
Also I find it odd that Daryl is getting all paternal and caring for the baby. Not to say he's stone cold or anything but out if everyone left he's one if the last people I would expect this from.
Now was Lori eaten by that zombie or not. I feel confused because there was no blood on the bullet and blood in the floor with drag marks so something else might have happen. I almost want to say they are playing with us.
I think the fight with chained zombies was cool but I thought it be more ruthless than it was.
And lastly where the hell is carol? There's no mention if finding her body so why the grave? Is she going to be this season's Sofia? And who the hell called Rick? Carol? Lori? The governor? Too many questions
World War Z Trailer
So we finally get to see what the movie is going to look like. I have read the book and while I get why some movies... okay most movies that are based on the book don't match up, but this is one that I think could have been. I had trouble piecing it together and a movie version would help with that. From what I see this is hardly related to the book. There are a lot of things I see in this trailer that make me mad as a zombie fan. I know the movie has had a lot of issues with it from the director and other things.
So watch the trailer before you read my opinion on the trailer.
First of all the whole beginning half of the trailer with them in the car and the mad chaos just doesn't feel right. It looks too clean and you see nothing really dangerous going on. Now I assume in the movie at some point you'll see zombies, but they waited towards the end to show them. And we have no clue what the hell Brad Pitt's character even does and why they need him. I assume he's playing the part of the narrator of the book who interviews people and I think was a doctor or something like that. So I am assuming he's some kind of agent or someone like that because why the hell else would he be traveling to help people. Eh who knows what they were thinking.
Second and this is my main issue what the hell are these zombies on? I definatly don't see the zombies Max Brooks mentions in either of this books (i'm still working on the zombie survival guide), but you can change zombies only so much before they aren't even zombies. The wave of them in what I assume is the middle east or African or the horde trying to climb the wall just doesn't seem right. It's like all the zombies are on Meth or something. Yes, zombies don't have to be slow, but my god do they need to be like...I don't know what moves like that, but still it's horrible. I know zombies are hot right now and some people may want to play around with them, but for me this is like taking the creatures of I Am Legend describing them as vampires, but they are really zombies or visa versa I forgot what those things are. So the zombies are a huge fail. No wonder they were having issues.
Anyone else find it weird that they escape in an RV like the survivors in the Walking Dead?
Lastly, this movie just doesn't speak to me. The trailer just makes me mad rather than wanting to see it. Nice way to ruin a movie people.
Monday, November 5, 2012
The Walking Dead 3x4
I had to avoid all social networks before I could find this episode online to watch. I had several people tell me to avoid them because they saw spoilers before they could see it. I know people get excited to talk about it but why post spoilers when it's only aired for half the country? Stop spoiling shit if you are one of these people.
I will let you know my recap is pretty long so spoilers below.
This week's episode we had both groups shown and it worked I think. The only issue I have is because we don't know much about the Woodsbury group for it to make sense.
Prison Storyline
We get a glimpse of someone bringing walkers into the prison. Not sure who but it looks like one of the prisoners. Hershel is using crutches and we see some more tension between Rich's group and the prisoners.
Walkers get into the courtyard area they had cleared and Carl, Lori, Beth and Hershel are running to get away. Someone is causing trouble and Rick now has to trust the prisoners. T-dog gets bit and Lori goes into labor. The group is split up and Carl and Maggie are the only ones with Lori. They are in some electrical room. T-dog sacrifices himself to save Carol. The alarm system is set and Rick takes Glenn, Daryl and the two prisoners to shut it off.
Out of nowhere Andrew shows up and tries to attack Rick. Oscar hugest Ricks gun and shoots Andrew. Lori begs Maggie to do cut her open so her baby can survive and knows she won't. She has to convince Carl its ok and that he'll do what feels right and that Maggie has to kill her and it cannot be Rick. Maggie performs the c-section and pulls the baby out. The baby survives and Carl has to kill Lori before she turns. They flash back to the farm with Rick telling Carl no more kid stuff. Maggie leaves with the baby and Carl shoots Lori.
Rick, Glenn and Daryl come across T-Dog's body being eaten by two walkers. They meet back up with Beth and Hershel when Carl and Maggie come out withe the baby. We end the episode with Rick's cry when he realizes that Lori is dead.
Woodbury Storyline
Michonne us looking over the humvs from the guard and isn't convinced of the Governor's story. Andrea and Merle have a talk about the old gang and where he could find the farm. He convinces Andrea that the Governor is a good guy because he took him in. Merle tries to convince the Governor to let him go look for his brother. Andrea talks to the Governor about leaving and have a toast. And we learn that the Governor's name is Phillip. Andrea tells Michonne that they should stay a few more days.
The episode was very good and done with once again a little drama but not too much. I separated the two story lines for a good reason. I felt like the scenes of woodsbury were just a little too short. The only one that was a decent length was Merle and Andrea talking. The others just didn't seem to end as smoothly. I also expected another scene or two, but nothing every happened. I guess we're suppose to be okay with Andrea and Michonne deciding to stay.
The prison and all of that was really action packed and again what I expect from the show. There was a few things that bothered me. Mostly how Lori died. It was so quick and subtle. I was waiting for Maggie or Carl to want to make sure she was really dead before he shot her. Maybe we'll see more next week. The other thing that bothered me was Rick's crying. I am not sure if that is how Andrew Lincoln cries or what, but it seems so forced and fake. Like a little kid crying for attention or to get their way. It's not real, but they know it will draw attention. It's almost like he's trying to show everyone he did love her and what not.
So overall a good episode, better than the second episode.
I will let you know my recap is pretty long so spoilers below.
This week's episode we had both groups shown and it worked I think. The only issue I have is because we don't know much about the Woodsbury group for it to make sense.
Prison Storyline
We get a glimpse of someone bringing walkers into the prison. Not sure who but it looks like one of the prisoners. Hershel is using crutches and we see some more tension between Rich's group and the prisoners.
Walkers get into the courtyard area they had cleared and Carl, Lori, Beth and Hershel are running to get away. Someone is causing trouble and Rick now has to trust the prisoners. T-dog gets bit and Lori goes into labor. The group is split up and Carl and Maggie are the only ones with Lori. They are in some electrical room. T-dog sacrifices himself to save Carol. The alarm system is set and Rick takes Glenn, Daryl and the two prisoners to shut it off.
Out of nowhere Andrew shows up and tries to attack Rick. Oscar hugest Ricks gun and shoots Andrew. Lori begs Maggie to do cut her open so her baby can survive and knows she won't. She has to convince Carl its ok and that he'll do what feels right and that Maggie has to kill her and it cannot be Rick. Maggie performs the c-section and pulls the baby out. The baby survives and Carl has to kill Lori before she turns. They flash back to the farm with Rick telling Carl no more kid stuff. Maggie leaves with the baby and Carl shoots Lori.
Rick, Glenn and Daryl come across T-Dog's body being eaten by two walkers. They meet back up with Beth and Hershel when Carl and Maggie come out withe the baby. We end the episode with Rick's cry when he realizes that Lori is dead.
Woodbury Storyline
Michonne us looking over the humvs from the guard and isn't convinced of the Governor's story. Andrea and Merle have a talk about the old gang and where he could find the farm. He convinces Andrea that the Governor is a good guy because he took him in. Merle tries to convince the Governor to let him go look for his brother. Andrea talks to the Governor about leaving and have a toast. And we learn that the Governor's name is Phillip. Andrea tells Michonne that they should stay a few more days.
The episode was very good and done with once again a little drama but not too much. I separated the two story lines for a good reason. I felt like the scenes of woodsbury were just a little too short. The only one that was a decent length was Merle and Andrea talking. The others just didn't seem to end as smoothly. I also expected another scene or two, but nothing every happened. I guess we're suppose to be okay with Andrea and Michonne deciding to stay.
The prison and all of that was really action packed and again what I expect from the show. There was a few things that bothered me. Mostly how Lori died. It was so quick and subtle. I was waiting for Maggie or Carl to want to make sure she was really dead before he shot her. Maybe we'll see more next week. The other thing that bothered me was Rick's crying. I am not sure if that is how Andrew Lincoln cries or what, but it seems so forced and fake. Like a little kid crying for attention or to get their way. It's not real, but they know it will draw attention. It's almost like he's trying to show everyone he did love her and what not.
So overall a good episode, better than the second episode.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
The Madness Final Week
Week Five
Run Time
The Walking Dead 3x3
42 minutes
4 stars
Ghost Hunters 8x17
43 minutes
3 stars
Ghost Hunters 8x18
43 minutes
3 stars
Ghost Hunters 8x19
43 minutes
The Munsters 2x7
25 minutes
3 stars
Vampire, golem and frankenstein
The Munsters 2x8
25 minutes
3 stars
Vampire, golem and frankenstein
The Munsters 2x9
25 minutes
4 stars
Vampire, golem and frankenstein
The Munsters 2x10
25 minutes
4 stars
Vampire, golem and frankenstein
The Munsters 2x11
25 minutes
4 stars
Vampire, golem and frankenstein
The Devil’s Carnival
55 minutes
3 stars
The Tall Man
105 minutes
4 stars
Army of Darkness
1 hour 21 minutes
3 stars
The Munsters 2x12
25 minutes
4 stars
The Munsters 2x13
25 minutes
4 stars
Supernatural 8x2
3 stars
Supernatural 8x3
3 stars
Supernatural 8x4
3 stars
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Movie Review: The Tall Man
I'm not sure which is worst. A really bad horror movie you thought was going to be good, or a movie that appears to be a horror movie, but really isn't.
Synopsis: In a small mining town that has seen better days children are starting to go missing. The town folks quickly accuse a mythical man named "The Tall Man" for taking these children with no trace as to where they have gone. The town's nurse's child goes missing and a whole new plot unfolds.
Synopsis: In a small mining town that has seen better days children are starting to go missing. The town folks quickly accuse a mythical man named "The Tall Man" for taking these children with no trace as to where they have gone. The town's nurse's child goes missing and a whole new plot unfolds.
Review: This was one of those movies that the post caught my attention when I saw it on another site. I decided to watch it when I had the chance and now I want to go back and see if it was actually labeled as a horror movie. Like Straw Dogs, this appears to be a horror movie, but really it's just a suspense/mystery movie.
I thought the first part of the movie was really good. The twists that come later were done really well because you were not expecting them. They also kept coming and by the end of the movie you understand it all. Even though you still wonder how they did it, there's little that is not explained.
My BIG issue with this movie was the lack of this Tall Man. I was hoping they would play more with the myth, even if it was people taking children to have a better life. I wanted them to create more of a legend with him. They could have done it. I was thinking at the beginning of the movie that it would be similar to The Mothman Prophecy. So I think they fell short on building this Tall Man.
I do understand the movie and where it was coming from on why they were taking the children. I think that added an element to the movie. Jessica Biel does an amazing job in this movie and she does an amazing job with her role.
I say give this movie a try. You might end up liking it, even if it's not really a horror movie.
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