
Monday, September 30, 2013

Season 3 of American Horror Story

Granted I've only seen the first season and about the first 1/4 of the second season, but I'm looking forward to the 3rd season of American Horror Story. Maybe because they are using this hauntingly beautiful cover of "House of the Rising Sun" by Lauren O'Connell.

If you haven't seen the teaser trailers for the 3rd season you need to watch them. They are brilliant. I won't be uploading them all, but go to FX's website and watch them all. They are amazing and like a lot of others have said whoever does the promotion for this show are excellent at their job.

I just recently found a trailer that  actually shows a little bit of what the season is going to be about. Sounds a even more interesting. Here it is below.

So what do you think? Anyone else excited that it will be starting soon?!

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