Sorry all that I have not been posting anything new. I have been busy with some things for work and haven't had time to update. I do want to let you know what movies I am going to start writing/recording reviews of and some topics I have already been thinking about discussing.
First, I am going to write a review of 8213: Gacy House. It won't be a long one since there isn't much to review, but I figured people might want to know what it's about. Second to come or maybe first because of timing I will discuss Vincent Price's best movies... in my own opinion. As you can see from the review queue I have several to review and Mr. Price's birthday was this past Friday, May 27th. So I might once again push back the Gacy review and do a post about one of the great men in Horror/Suspense thriller/Macabre movies. Doesn't hurt that he's pretty good looking as well.
I also am planning on doing a topic/review on original VS remakes. I have not seen them all, but with movies like Nightmare on Elm Street Being redone and My Bloody Valentine, why not watch both original and the remake to see which really is better. I also might turn it into a weekly battle where you guys decide which is better. I'll just have to wait and see how this goes, since I am not getting many people stopping by... geez even the Adams had more people stopping by their creepy house.
I am also planning on making my way through all the horror series like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Saw, Scream an any other that come up or people suggest. This way you will know what the whole thing is about and whether certain parts of the series are worth your time or can you just skip some of them. I can already think of a few that I wish I had skipped because they got that bad...
So that is what I have up in the works hopefully I will have a review up soon, more than likely it will be a written one and not a video post. Again, thanks for stopping by and please do let me know what you think of it.
You should do the Chils Play series, Alien series, Predator trilogy, and even the two AvP movies!