Synopsis: A team of scientists explore a new planet in the middle of the universe to find the beginning of mankind. They get more than they bargain for and have to survive here in order to make it out alive.
Review: There was a lot of mystery surrounding this movie so I am not going to give away the entire plot. For those of you who do not know this movie is the pre-qual to Alien. They give that hint towards the end of the movie, but I think people were clueless. During that part a guy in the back was yelling, "What the hell is that? What's going on?" Other's made similar remarks. I may not have seen the movies, but I do know what the Aliens look like.
So the movie while not really scary had some decent gory parts. One in particular I had trouble with it and I usually can detach myself and not get too affected by it. So the gore was up there compare to other movies. Better than some actual horror movies. So if you are hoping for some gross alien goo and gore this movie is for you.
The acting was top notch I didn't have any issues with anyone and while at some parts they are building up to the end might be slow for some people I didn't have an issue. The movie is 2 hours long and I never once was sitting there wondering when was going to end. I have done this in other movies even ones that were an hour and a half I got to a point where I was hoping we were near the end. So the movie flows very nice and you are not really left confused.
If you have not seen any of the Alien movies then you are find to watch this one. Because it's a pre-qual and doesn't seem to assume that the audience has seen the other movies you can sit back and enjoy it without having to have an Alien marathon before seeing this movie.
Also, even though this planet looks bare and deserted there's a beauty to it. I am not sure where Ridely Scott was going with the landscape, but there is something beautiful about it and the entire movie itself.
Over all I say go see this movie. It's truly a good one.
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