
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Zombie, Run! App

I plan on doing a more detail review when I have done more missions, but I wanted to give a quick one after I did the first mission. You should check out there web site

So this is what I believe is the first storyline zombie running app on the market. It was a kickstarter project that did so well that people are downloading it like crazy. For a while it was only available on the iphone, but as of June 14th android smartphones can run it as well. You are runner number 5. You are arriving at this base when your helicopter crashes. The communication guy is giving you directions and guiding you through the zombies. You cannot respond to him, but you can hear him over your radio. You have missions to complete, starting off you have 3 and as you move on I think you unlock the rest.

I was amazed with how I was getting chills while listening to the transmission before and after the crash. In between the transmissions your music plays and you can either walk or run depending on your fitness level. You can even turn off the zombie chases. I had it turned on and there was only one chase, but man did I feel like I really needed to run. You know it's pretend, but you feel like responding to the people talking, but then your neighbors will think you're crazy. Also, because they tell you that they won't let you in unless you get the supplies they need you don't want to get attack. You don't become a zombie if they catch you, but you loose the supplies you've picked up.

 So far it seems like a great app.

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