
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Movie Review: The Devil's Carnival

After their first movie Repo! the Genetic Opera became a cult hit can they do it again with their latest movie The Devil's Carnival? I was hoping they would.

Synopsis: Lost souls enter The Devil's Carnival where they are each faced with the sins they committed in life. (Taken from IMDB) I had to take their synopsis because I just cannot explain it. 

Review: I LOVED Repo when we rented it and hope that this movie would live up to that one. Sadly, for me it did not. I am still a little confused on what was really going on the entire movie. I get that they are all sinners and are being punished, but it's not made very clear for two of them what their sin actually was. 

I only knew one of the stories and that one made no sense to me. It's the Frog and the Scorpion one for those of you who have seen the movie. I get the story, but what was the girl's sin? Loving guys that would hurt her? Doesn't make sense. 

The music fell short too. I still remember the music from Repo. My fiancé has the soundtrack and it's just amazing. The music in this movie isn't as rememberable. The only song that sticks is the one you hear in the trailer... okay maybe two songs, but that's it. The movie isn't even an hour long. So there's a short about of time they have to tell the story. 

I think if you enjoyed Repo you'll like this one, but not as much. Give it a watch and see if you agree with me. Netflix currently has it on instant view. 

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone from your favorite sarcastic bettie, Fallen.

No plans for me today other than watching some horror or halloween movies while doing homework. Exciting I know. I decided that I might was well enjoy the day, in case I do leave the house and wear my Ruffle Monster print dress that I got for Viva Las Vegas last year.

Hopefully you all stay safe and have a blast!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Walking Dead 3x3

If you don't want to know anything about this episode before you watch it, then please do not read this post. I will be mentioning a lot of spoilers in this post. 

I was looking forward to this episode since I was very interested in the town/settlement of Woodsbury and wanted to see how that would play out. I know nothing about how any of this relates to the comic so what I mention will purely be what I think and based on what I have seen from the show so far.

The sequence of the helicopter crash and what not got me a little confused. Rick saw it in season one, we see it going down in season two near the end and now we see if again crashing, but actually investigating it?! Anyone care to explain to me how this makes sense. There's no way they would have survived all winter long and have one of them survive. I don't think it's two separate helicopters because  well I doubt it would be, but I guess it's possible if they are military.

I have to say the scene with Merle finding the girls and recognizing Andrea was pretty funny. Yeah it's easy for you to love yet hate him at the same time, but I was laughing when he appeared. I wasn't sure who was going to find them and take them to the town. So then the speculation of Merle being the one spying on Carol at the prison may or may not make sense. It's hard to tell.

I think its interesting that Andrea seems so trusting of the Governor and Michonne doesn't. More so that Andrea is trusting. I can see why Michonne would be cautious and not want to stay, but why Andrea is willing to stay could be that she misses being apart of a large group and isn't wanting to be alone. I also find it a little odd the slight flirting between Andrea and the Governor, but maybe it's foreshadow something to come.

I think I saw a lot of complaints about this scene, but where the Governor and his men including Merle who can shoot a rifle with both arms even though he's missing his right hand, yeah doesn't make sense to me, go to "get" the pilot's other men makes sense, but doesn't at the same time. I can see why they killed them all for the supplies since he figures he needs them more, but the gunfire and then tells the young Asian guy to not waste ammo. Yeah, makes no sense. An ambush is a good tactic to go at a military unit and get their supplies, I'm just not sure the gun fire works, plus where are all the walkers that should have started to come towards them?

And the ending... WTF!! So obviously there is something going on here. Why have what I think was about 20 heads of dead people... mostly zombies in tanks in a private room. Yeah something isn't right, but I guess we'll find out later.

I believe that next week's show will be back to the main group. I will say as much as I love that they did not switch back and forth between the two groups it did feel a bit weird to have only one group member in the entire episode. Yeah, I'm not counting Merle since he was only in a few episodes.

So I enjoyed this episode, not ecstatic about it, but it was good enough. Less action than the other two and adds a whole lot of new questions.

Howl Camp

In case I haven't mention it I have a pretty cool job. I get to work with people AND animals. As wonderful as a job it is, it doesn't pay much and it's part-time with no benefits and sometimes I get no hours. Anyway, so every halloween weekend we put on a scarier event called Howl-oween and we run a overnight camp during this event. So the guest not only get to enjoy the event, but get a bonus of animals, funny instructors pretending to be something else, yummy food and more that I cannot think of.

So this event few of us will volunteer to do it, but we still get paid. We pick a theme and plan our program around that. We try to stick with a conservation theme, but that is also Halloween. This year we decided on mummies and each one of us was a "ancient" conservationist who had a certain area we studied. I cannot explain all of it because it's still not 100%, but we had an explorer who found an amulet that brought us back to life and there were the protectors of the amulet that didn't want us to stay alive.

I was an ancient mammoloigst who studied mammals. This is why when you seen my costume I had stitches, I figured more that likely I should look like I had to be sewn together first before they mummified me.

So we got the planning done and my costume was very easy to put together. If you want to know how I did it, take a visit over at my sewing blog Fallen Bettie's Stitches . We spend a lot of time thursday, Friday, Saturday and I wasn't there, but Sunday as well setting up and taking our part of the event down. Needless to say I'm pretty tired, but I had a lot of fun and all of use did an amazing job.

So the event itself rather than the camp part that I was working at had several different activities. All rated by skulls. 1 skull meant the activity was not scary and all ages would enjoy it. 2 skulls was moderately scary and more than likely kids 8 and up could handle it. 3 skulls was very scary and only older children and adults would be okay with it. I saw children very very very young at this event, which was fine, but I felt like there was only a few things they could do and enjoy. It did start off 3 years ago as a scarier event meant for older children and adults.

I did a few of the activities mostly the scarier ones with my co-workers. We wen through a haunted maze that was okay. The line kept backing up or they would scare the people in front or behind us and not us. Not sure if it was because we had our name tags on and our radios to identify ourselves as employees. So it wasn't that scary, plus I think I have seen enough scary stuff that nothing really phased me. Though I've been to one "haunted house" that spring up during Halloween and remember not being that scared, but enough because my friends were freaking out. There was a  desert of the dead with zombies, but again they didn't do much with us and one even said "oh never mind you're scarier than I am" when they saw us with our costumes and make-up.

Explorer and Mummies, I'm the one on the right of the explorer with the bow
We did one more scary one, which I think was suppose to be vampires, but they had the same make-up as the zombies, but with fangs. We had one of our campers who was about 7 or 8 come with up and man those vamps were targeting here. She handled it well, but they way they were coming to her was scarier than it should have been. So once we finished that it was about time to meet our group so we could ride the train. While we were watching all of us mummies were dancing to the music. I know nothing of this gangham style or whatever it's call, but they played that song about 15 times between the two nights.

The train was done by a friend and former co-worker Nathan Blackwell who has some great sci-fi star treck like show and an awesome zombie movie. Check him out over at Squishy Studios. So the train was on his comedy web series called Voyage Trekers. Pretty funny and so the premise was we were a crew asked to rescue other galaxy members from other rescuer crews.

Once that was done we took our group back to their camp site for snacks, animal presentations and the finale of our program which was pretty fun.

I will finish up by saying that we were a bit hit. Tons of people were stopping us to take our pictures, video of us dancing, both nights and lots of comments... apparently most people don't know the difference between a mummy costume and a zombie.. yes I know my face paint looks more day of the dead than zombie, but I'm bad at face painting.

The Madness week 4

Week Four

Run Time
The Walking Dead 3x2
5 stars

70 minutes
3 Stars
Universal Monsters
The Munsters 1x37
25 Minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 1x38
25 Minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 2x1
25 minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 2x3
25 minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 2x4
25 minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 2x5
25 minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 2x6
25 minutes
4 stars

The Bride of Frankenstein
2 stars
Universal Monsters
Haven 3x4
3 stars

Howl-oween overnight camp at the Phoenix Zoo
2 nights
5 stars
I was a mummy and help run a overnight program for familes.
1313 Mocking Bird Lane
40 minutes
4 stars

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Walking Dead 2x2 Reaction

Let me just say if you have been putting off watching the Walking Dead this season please start watching. It's getting really good and I think it's reminding fans why they love the show so much. By this point last season I was bored and hoping that thing would pick up. So far things are going just as fast as they were in the first season and you are given enough to tie you over to next week and it's not taking 5 episodes to get one thing done.

I still need to read the comics, I have vol 2, but I don't have vol 1 and I think I only read part of that one somewhere online. In case you are wondering why I am stating this, I have heard a few comic book spoilers that this season deals with, and while it probably won't happen I don't want anyone giving me too much information.

Anyway, back to the second episode. I'll do a quick little synopsis and then give you my thoughts. I hope to do this for each episode. That will be 13 in all in case you were wondering.

Who are these guys?
This episode we see the prisoners and our group of survivors, mostly Rick, Daryl, & T-Dog deal with each other. As you expect no one trusts the other and the prisoners have little clue on what's going on.

We also have to deal with Hershel might become a zombie. Carol was taught some basic first aid and how to deliver a baby by him (so having a kid yourself doesn't mean you know what is going on... I'd agree with that) and Maggie is ready to believe he's not going to make it.

My thoughts: I really liked this episode. I was a little bummed when I was listening to some podcasts on the show when they said it wasn't going to have Andrea/Michonne or The Governor in it. I don't know why, but I really want to see all that happens with that plot. I do think it was smart for them to deal with the prisoners first and then go to the other story, unlike the first episode where it was quick 2 minute flashes to what Andrea was up to. So good in my book on sticking to the main group this time.

I thought Rick was starting to slip back into his old self, but without giving anything away he's really doing a good job keeping his group safe. Not being too trusting and knowing when to strike a blow to the head. I was taking notes while watching this episode (yes I do take notes, mostly with movies) and I wrote badass next to his name.

Also, Carl once again runs off and doesn't listen to Lori. We see the tension between them, but still not sure why Carl is so mean to her. I assume we'll get to that in episode 4 since 3 seems to be all about Andrea, Michonne and the Governor based on the upcoming trailer. So Carl while he is being more helpful in his wondering he is still doing it. Bad Carl!

I'm starting to think there's going to be a much bigger role for Carol in this season which is great. Last season I thought she was useless after Sofia was dead and should have been killed off. I think they have big things for her. She's really stepping up and trying to take her duties as a midwife serious.

I think people are right when they say that the show's exec team is listening to fans. For a split second you think Lori is going to get bitten... doesn't happen, but it was a close one. So those who hate Lori... I'm not digging her either you almost get your prayers answered.

Lastly, I heard some people complaining about the new credit sequence. I can see what they mean. For me they go way too fast. I'm not a big person on timing, but listening to the music in the credits and the speed of the names doesn't match. It's a little bothersome, but you really don't need to see the credits.

I found this shirt on etsy and had to share it. There are other great stuff on etsy and maybe I'll make a post on it.
This Awesome shirt is from Teesquare over at etsy

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Madness Week 3

As you can see I've been having a Munsters Marathon going on. I also watched some show premiers like the walking dead and american horror story, which I still cannot get into. I also finished my first 5k which was hell themed and I did well. My race report is over at my running/zombie survival blog Out Running the Zombies

Week Three

Run Time
The Walking Dead 3x1
4 stars

The Munsters 1x1
5 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein,
The Munsters 1x2
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x3
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x4
25 minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x5
25 minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x6
25 minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x7
25 minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x8
25 minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x9
25 minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x10
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
House on Haunted Hill hosted by Elvira

4 stars
Hosted by Elvira
Ghost Hunters 8x17
47 minutes
4 stars

The Munsters 1x11
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x12
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x13
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x14
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x15
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x16
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein,Grandpa transforms into a wolf
The Munsters 1x17
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x18
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x19
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x20
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein,Grandpa transforms into a bat
The Munsters 1x21
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x22
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x23
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x24
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x25
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x26
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x27
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x28
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x29
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x30
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x31
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x32
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x33
25 Minutes
4 stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x34
25 Minutes
4 Stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x35
25 Minutes
4 Stars
Dracula and Frankenstein
The Munsters 1x36
25 Minutes
4 Stars
Dracula and Frankenstein

American Horror Story 2x1
47 Minutes
3 stars

Devil Dash 5k Mud Run Dante’s Inferno Inspired Obstacles
42 minutes
6 stars!!! I had a lot of fun!!!

Grimm 2x8
3 stars