Synopsis: A young man's mother is bitten by a Sumatran rat-monkey. She gets sick and dies, at which time she comes back to life, killing and eating dogs, nurses, friends, and neighbors. (Taken from IMDB).
Review: As you can see from the movie poster it's hailed as one of the goriest movies of all time. I use to hear people talk about how gory Hostel and Saw movies were... I guess none of those people saw this one. I only watched this movie because my fiancé asked if I had ever seen it and said it was one of those movies you had to watch. I remember seeing this movie back when Blockbusters had storefronts and Netflix and Redbox didn't exist. I was never drawn to it and didn't pay much attention to it. When I saw that Peter Jackson... yes that Peter Jackson directed this movie I figured it would be okay... boy was I wrong. I'll put it nicely if I had seen this movie when it first came out or before seeing the Lord of the Rings Trilogy I would never go see one of his movies.
Why so bad? Well the dorky 1950s plot with awkward nutty professor like acting was just a distraction. Lots of tripping and falling and not the kind I felt belong in a horror movie. The rat monkey was done out of clay and just looked like the old King Kong or Godzilla movies. The gore... man it is gory and if you cannot stomach much blood, guts, vomit and other bodily fluids in horror movies avoid this one like the plague. You will need to commit yourself to the hospital because you'll be vomiting none stop for weeks. While I do enjoy a gory movie this was overdone and I think was more of a why not than a purpose.
The most disturbing thing for me was the priest and the nurse zombies having sex. This scene will turn off even the most loose girls. I'm going to have nightmares for months now of fat ugly zombies having sex... No one touch me right now!
I honestly cannot think of anyone who would enjoy this movie, but people do. So if none of what I have describe has turned you off then got watch it. But don't come to me when you nee therapy after seeing thing one.
I gave it one star on Netflix because that's the lowest you can rate, but in all reality it gets 1/4 of a star from me. I just need a big old red no symbol to place over the poster and that's an accurate rating for me.
I also remember seeing this movie on VHS in Blockbuster! I totally remember the image of the creepy thing coming out of the girl's mouth of the box cover. Anyway, I had heard that this is one of the -- if not THE -- most goriest movies ever made. To the point that movie theaters supposedly supplied barf bags to the audience. I think I'm gonna pass. Thanks for taking the bullet on this one!