
Friday, September 30, 2011

The Walking Dead Season One Recap Episode Three

Episode Three:  The episode opens with Merle still stuck on the roof, obviously has lost it. He’s still trying to get free because zombies have made it to the roof and he’s close to becoming one himself. As he lies there praying he sees a hacksaw and we can assume what he’s going to do.

Our group of survivors is making their way back towards the camp, while Shane offers to teach Carl how to catch frogs to feed the group. Of course Glenn arrives in the Charger still with the alarm going off.  We now see the family reunion Rick and Lori never thought they would get. Later on that night Rick tells everyone what it was like waking up with out knowing what was going on. 

Of course not all is good and happy at camp. There are still problems between people, too many alpha males in the camp. There is also talk about how to tell Daryl, Merle’s brother, what happen to him.

The next morning all seems fine until the children scream as they find a walker eating deer that has been shot down with arrows. The men use weapons to kill it. In comes Daryl who has just returned from his hunting trip. The guys break it to Daryl about his brother and he tries to fight Rick and Shane. Rick explains what happens and that he’s planning on going back to get Merle. Shane and others have an issue with this, but Rick, Daryl, Glenn and T-Dog decide to go.

While the four men are back in the city to get the guns and Merle, Shane teaches Carl how to catch frogs and the women talk about doing all the work around the camp and al the things they miss. Ed, who is your typically controlling husband, has to but in he tries to control the women and Shane steps in and beats Ed’s ass. Also, we have Lori and Shane arguing about their evolving relationship and how she doesn’t want him around her family.
The men get to the store and instead of finding Merle all they find is a severed hand and the tools. And we have the end of the episode. 

My Opinion: I like this episode because it introduces probably my favorite characters and actor on the show, who for some reason is overlooking. I guess he started out as a guess actor, but I think of him as an important main character. That would be Daryl Dixon played by Norman Reedus. I guess it's because he's in on all time favorite movie, which is not a horror film, Boondock Saints. 

I think what this episode does is shows us the kind of men both Rick and Shane are. Rick is your hero, who sacrifices everything to make sure everyone has a fair chance. Shane on the other hand is all about staying together, even though in the trailer for the second season it appears that he might leave the group. It shows how a like, but different these two friends are. 

I am not a fan of the love triangle, well if you even want to call it that. It seems stupid and I am not sure how much time most women would be willing to give themselves before they get involved with another man. I just don't know. 

I also cannot stand Lori when it comes to big emotions. She has these wide open deer in the headlight eyes that just seem to be one of her few emotions. You see it in just about every episode when something terrible, shocking or scary happens. 

 My last thought is I wonder if they will ever find Merle and/or Morgan, or if they are just forgotten now. I am not sure what to expect, it doesn't seem like there's too much talk about these characters returning, but I could be wrong. 

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